Fiona Krüger’s Skull Collection is an exploration of time from the human perspective, understood through our own sense of mortality.
"Life is precious to us because it is ephemeral."
— Carlo Rovelli, Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
— Carlo Rovelli, Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

The skull is the ultimate symbol of life, death and human experience — universally recognised and significant to horological history. From the astronomical clock in Prague, to the Skull–shaped pocket watches in the Patek Philippe museum’s Historical collection, this ubiquitous symbol is an embodiment of time itself.
"If I’m working with the best people, and using the finest materials, then my design must be worthy of the time, skill and materials involved in its creation. It must be meaningful — beyond me, my name or my own ideas. Something which, in 200 years when I’m no longer around, people might see and it will still be relevant. That’s what the pieces in the Patek Philippe Museum’s historical collection were to me, and I have that same philosophy behind everything I create."
— FK
— FK

The collection includes limited edition collaborations and co–creations with unique Swiss Manufactures.
Our creations span the fields of Fine Art, Design, Horology and Mechanical Arts

The SKULL Collection is a timeless reminder of the transience of life.

Categories: Concept Creation, Design, Mechanical Development, R&D (Materials, production processes, craftsmanship techniques), Production Management and Optimisation, Visual Story–Telling, Asset Creation
Categories: Concept Creation, Design, Mechanical Development, R&D (Materials, production processes, craftsmanship techniques), Production Management and Optimisation, Visual Story–Telling, Asset Creation
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